
Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024


Privacy Policy

Please review our Privacy Policy, which is a part of this User Agreement and describes how Tax Grinds handles any personal data collected from visitors to this Tax Grinds Site.

This Notice (“Notice”) has been developed to ensure our users feel confident about the privacy and security of personal data and to meet our obligations under the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (the “Data Protection Law”). Under Data Protection Law, personal data is information that identifies you as an individual or is capable of doing so (“Personal Data”).  

This Privacy Policy describes how we treat data received about you when you visit the Tax Grinds Site or otherwise.

Tax Grinds fully respects your right to privacy and seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information with Tax Grinds.

We do not require registration for access to this site.

Certain statistical information is available to us via our internet service provider for administration and trouble-shooting purposes.  This includes IP and logical address of the server visitors are using.

We may also use temporary “session” cookies.  This information collected may be used to enable us to enhance, maintain and resolve any problems with our server and website.

For general web-browsing no individual user will be identifiable from such information that will be used to ensure the web site reflects the needs of users.

Tax Grinds will not collect any personal information about you on this website without your permission, except as required or permitted by law.

Any personal information which you volunteer to Tax Grinds through the “Contact Us” page or by clicking the email link will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003.   This information will only be used by us for the purposes for which it was provided by you and/or any reasonable incidental purpose.

Collection of Your Personal Data

So that we can provide you with the information or courses you have requested, we collect and store certain information about you, only for as long as necessary, including:
• Your name
• Your telephone number
• Your e-mail address
• Your postal address
• The particular course you’re interested in
• The date of your request for information
• The date of the courses you enrol on.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We will need to use your data to perform our obligations and exercise our rights under agreements made with you.

We will share your personal data only with the service providers who help us run this Tax Grinds site or fulfil your requests and to enable processing and administration of bookings.

We may also be required to disclose your personal data to third parties when we believe it necessary to comply with the law and to enforce our User Agreement or this Privacy Policy.

If you contact us via our website, or in any other way, we may retain the correspondence and the information it contains, such as:
• your name
• e-mail address
• the reason for contacting us

We may use the information to:
• respond to your inquiry

Disclosure of your Personal Data to Third Parties

We may engage other companies to perform services on our behalf including, without limitation, facilitating some aspects of our web sites and services, processing and collecting payments, providing us with legal, financial, accounting and tax advice and conducting required audits.

These third parties may be supplied with or have access to your information solely for the purpose of providing these services to us or on our behalf.

We also may disclose personally identifiable information in special circumstances where it is legally required or when we believe that the law requires us so to do.

Data Review and Correction

You have the right to be given a copy of information held by us about you.

We will provide the requested information to you within thirty days of the receipt of a valid request in writing.

You have the right to access your data and to have any inaccuracies in the details we hold corrected.

You also have the right to have the information erased or removed if we do not have a legitimate professional reason for retaining it.

We will comply with any such valid requests within thirty days of the receipt of a valid request in writing.

We reserve the right to request you to provide additional or supplementary information to enable us to identify your personal data and/or to verify your identity.

You may review, amend and update the personal data you have provided to us by emailing us at info@taxgrinds.ie or sending your request by post to:

The Data Controller
Tax Grinds
52 Lower O’Connell Street
Dublin 1
D01 C2P1


Your Rights

We shall vindicate all your rights under Data Protection Law. These rights are as follows:

• Your right to withdraw your consent to the processing of Personal Data at any time
• your right to request from us access to personal data and to have any incorrect personal data rectified
• your right to the restriction of processing concerning you or to object to processing
• your right to have your personal data transferred to another service provider
• your right to have personal data erased (where appropriate)
• information on the existence of automated decision-making, if any, as well as meaningful information about the logic involved, its significance and its envisaged consequences

Vindication of your rights shall not affect any rights which we may have under Data Protection Law.

How long do we retain your Data?

Your Personal Data will be retained for as long as you remain a client of Taxgrinds.ie and thereafter for a period of no more than six years. Once we have determined that we no longer need to hold your Personal Data, we will delete it from our systems.

Please note that in certain circumstances, we may hold your data for a longer period, for example, if we believe in good faith that the law or a relevant regulator may reasonably in our view expect or require us to preserve your Personal Data.


Complaints on the use, retention and disposal of personal data can submitted via email to Claire McNamara, Data Controller.

The Data Controller
Tax Grinds
52 Lower O’Connell Street
Dublin 1
D01 C2P1

As a user of the Site you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission.


Copyright in this Tax Grinds Site and all materials included in it is owned by or licensed to Tax Grinds, and all rights are reserved.

You must abide by all copyright notices and restrictions contained on the Tax Grinds Site.

The contents of this site are the copyright of Tax Grinds unless otherwise stated.

The content of this website may be downloaded to a storage disc or printed for your own personal use. Materials may be copied to third parties if this is solely for their own personal use provided that the Tax Grinds copyright is acknowledged.

No part of this website may be copied, distributed or incorporated into any other publication or equivalent document or website for any commercial purpose without the written permission of Tax Grinds.

At all times the disclaimer reproduced on this website applies to all materials on the website.


Tax Grinds, the Tax Grinds Logo and any other trademarks on the Tax Grinds Site are trademarks owned by Tax Grinds.

You may not use the Tax Grinds Trademarks in connection with any product or service that does not belong to us.

You may not use the Tax Grinds Trademarks in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among users about whether we are the source, sponsor or endorser of the product or service.

You may not use the Tax Grinds Trademarks in any manner that disparages or discredits us.

Links to Other Web Sites

Some of the links on this site will let you leave the site and connect to other sites. These other sites are in no way controlled by Tax Grinds and we are not responsible for their content or for any further links that they may support.

The links are provided for your convenience only. The existence of the links does not constitute an endorsement by Tax Grinds of the contents of any linked site.

No third party is permitted to link any other website to this site without obtaining our prior written consent.

Our Website interfaces social media websites such as Facebook and may use social media plugins (e.g., the Facebook "Like" button) to facilitate social media functions.

If you are a member of a social media platform or website, and log in to such social media or platform, the interfaces may allow the social media platform or website to connect your visit to the Site to your Personal Data. The social media plugins also may allow the social media website to share information about your activities on the Site with other users of their social media platform. We have no control over the information that other websites or social media websites or plugins collect, store, or use.  Before you choose to access other websites from the Site or “like” or share information from the Site through any social media platform or website, please be certain that you review the privacy notice of that social media platform or website.

Frames, Links and Metatags

You may link to the home page of the Tax Grinds Site providing the link does not show us in a false or misleading light.

If you link to the Tax Grinds Site, please let us know by contacting us at info@taxgrinds.ie

You may not frame the content of the Tax Grinds Site.

You may not use metatags or any other hidden text that incorporates the Tax Grinds Trademarks or Tax Grinds' name without our express written consent.


Access to this site and use of information contained on it are governed by the terms and conditions set out below. These terms and conditions are important and are for the protection of both you and Tax Grinds. By proceeding further, you will be deemed to have accepted them. Please note that references to "We" means Tax Grinds.

Tax Grinds can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of contributed articles or statements appearing on this website, and any views or opinions expressed are not necessarily subscribed to by Tax Grinds.

No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material on the website can be accepted by the designer, authors, contributors or publisher.

Professional advice should always be sought for your particular circumstances before acting on any issue, particularly tax issues, covered by this website. The information contained on this site is for general guidance only.

Following publication of an article or other feature, it may happen that additional information or a correction will later be published, so the reader is advised to refer frequently to the website.

The documents and graphics contained within this site could contain errors of a typographic or technical nature and are subject to change without notice from time to time.

This site is established in Ireland in accordance with the laws of Ireland and will be governed by the laws of that country. When you use the site, you accept that your use of the site and any information on the site will also be governed by the laws of Ireland, and, if any claim or dispute arises from your use of the site or any of the information on it, you agree that the Irish courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over all such claims or disputes. We have provided the contents of this site for your information only. The distribution of information on the site may be restricted by local law or regulation in certain jurisdictions. This information is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any such jurisdiction, and persons accessing these pages should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. If you are in any doubt as to whether this site can be lawfully used by you, please do not proceed further.

We endeavour to ensure that the information on the Tax Grinds Site is correct, however, we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the material on the Tax Grinds Site.

We may make changes to the material on the Tax Grinds Site or to the courses and prices described in it at any time without notice. We will, however, provide notice of amendments to the Tax Grinds Site Privacy Policy.

The material on the Tax Grinds Site is provided without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind.

We exclude all liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party in connection with the Tax Grinds Site in any way or in connection with the use, inability to use or the results of use of the Tax Grinds Site, any Web sites linked to the Tax Grinds Site, or the material on such Websites.

If your use of the material on the Tax Grinds Site results in the requirement for repair, servicing or correction of data, equipment or software then you assume all costs thereof.

Nothing in this legal notice, however, shall exclude or limit our liability for:
(i) Fraud
(ii) Misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter or
(iii) Any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.



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Contact Details

52 Lower O'Connell Street,
Dublin 1

Telephone: 01 - 872 8561
Email: info@taxgrinds.ie

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Tax Grinds 2024 | Privacy Policy | Website by Solas Web Design